Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The poop

So someone I know expressed a desire to know more about how to deal with poop.
Well the disposal of poop with cloth diapers is much the same as that of disposable diapers. A lot of people do not know it you are NOT supposed to put feces in the trash. EVER. You are never permitted to do this. It is supposed to be put in the toilet to be treated at water treatment plants. So, with solid and semi-solid poopy, you have to toss the chunks in the toilet. So, if you use disposables and your child poops, you have to toss the poop in the toilet. If you are like most disposable using people, you just toss it all in the trash. tisk tisk tisk. So, if you follow rules and don't break laws, if you wish to keep our planet clean and land fills less disease-y, put poo in the toilet where it belongs. If you use a disposable, you then put the diaper part in the trash. If you use a cloth diaper, you toss the diaper in the pail or the washer.
Simply by following rules and putting poo in the toilet, whether using paper or cloth diapers, you are dealing with poo. So I just don't understand when people are 'turned off' by cloth diapers simply because of the "poo". Just by saying that you are telling me that you are one of those dummies that puts turds in the trash. No wonder most people have diaper pail-smell problems. They have a sewer system in their kids room.

Many people I know that use cloth have a nifty diaper sprayer hooked up to their toilet for the peanut buttery poo that is the transition poo from completely-breastmilk-poo to mostly-solids-poo. If you have ever smelled or seen a baby's poo that is from a completely breastfed baby, you know that this poo is pure awesomeness. No bad smell. And it's almost all liquid. Before Skye started solids, I just threw the whole diaper in the pail. No biggie.
Now that Skye has started some solids, she has slightly chunky, stinky, sort of thick pastey poo. It's gross, I'll admit. I have not had the pleasure of obtaining a diaper sprayer (they are super duper easy to assemble from parts bought at hardware stores), so I use the dunk and swish method. Easy peasy.

I just dunk the poopy diaper in the toilet and swish the caca off. Skye likes to watch me and tell her poo "bye-bye". I wash extra well afterward and put the rinsed diaper in the pail until wash day. I thought I would think it gross, but it's really not. It's just baby poop. Poo is the least of my worries. I'm more afraid of spiders.... and global warming. If you are afraid of touching a bit of poo, maybe you should re-think your choice to be a parent. I've been doused in a nice shower of poo, pee, vomit, and drool plenty of times since Skye's birth. Somehow, just somehow, I managed to survive.

Diaper making update: Lots of diapers made today and more tomorrow. I"m a diaper making machine. Starting to get a little obsessed with it.

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