Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My eye has been twitching all day

I think the twitch may have something to do with my stress level. Maybe? I also think I may be cycling because I cried for no reason today (moodswings) and my face is clearing up for the first time in over 2 years. Orrrrrrrr, Maybe I'm dying.

Jon, Skye, and I went on a late trip to walmart today for some cheap food and motor oil and odds and ends. It was a food emergency! I know I know. Walmart = bad. But we are broker then broke. We're THOSE people. Anyway, I decided to wear Skye in the Mei Tai on my back during our shopping trip. I had about 7 different people make comments, at least 20 people gawking, and a few kids laughing their kiddie heads off. The comments by the adults were pretty much expected. They were talking quietly to their shopping partner, but in no way quiet enough for me not to hear. "Do you think that's safe!? No way I would risk that". "Weird". The funniest people to watch were the elderly people wide eyed and mouth agape, just staring away as if I were an ape playing the piano. Lots of people, when we walked by, did the stop, turn, and stare. One little boy kept pestering his father to "Look at that little baby. It's on it's mom's BACK! Like a backpack. It's like a backpack! Look at the baby! That's funny". Perhaps I should be "normal" and put my child in the cart or bring along a cumbersome stroller. ... ... .. Naw.

^I'm not exaggerating about this. I made it a point today to take note people's reactions since I usually ignore. This was a great place to get the most attention because people of lower income (sorry, but walmart shoppers are typically lower income *includes us right now) usually don't know about parenting practices such as baby wearing and attachment parenting. I'm sure everybody knows that the less educated people are the more likely they are to formula feed and such.

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