Thursday, June 30, 2011

Homemade Laundry Soap

So, I need a nice scentless detergent that does not cause build-up because I have to wash diapers. I also need it because I don't want all those nasty chemicals in my clothes either. So I've been getting expensive detergents that are phosphate free and dye free and perfume free. Well, I finally got fed up with the cost and looked into how I could go about washing our clothes and Skye's diapers cheaper. I found some recipes for homemade laundry detergent. It is easy to make and washes the clothes very nicely AND IS ENVIROMENTALLY FRIENDLY. There much less packaging involved with mixing your own laundry detergent. And It's just awesome all around. Here is the recipe that I chose.

2 gallons of hot water
2 cups of baking soda
2 cups of borax
1 bar of soap (you can use Fels Naptha soap or dove or any other soap that isn't frilly-foo-foo. Frilly-foo-foo soaps will have all kinds of extra ingredients in them that will leave gunk on your clothes and stuff)

First grate the soap with a cheese grater

Add water to cover the soap

Cook the mixture on medium heat until the soap is completely dissolved

Put the mixture in a container. You can use a bucket or anything that works for you. Add the 2 gallons of hot or warm water. Then dump in the baking soda and borax and mix nicely.

Label your container so that it doesn't get confused with something else. Use about 1/2 a cup per load (more or less depending on the size of the load).
Be sure to carefully stir the mixture before scooping up the liquid to put into the washing machine

1 comment:

  1. As always, super interesting solutions for a more natural lifestyle. More, please!
