Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Healthy Eating

I became interested in organic food many years ago but just recently purchased some books about it. They really made me want to go all organic. We really can't afford to go completely organic. We also don't live in an area that really has much selection when it comes to organic foods. I am trying to get in as much organic as I can though. I think it's extremely important for Skye to get as much organic as possible. I really don't want her body and brain damaged by all those filthy poisonous pesticides and herbicides. I want her to be as smart as possible (also why breastfeeding has been high on my priority list) and to not have infertility problems as an adult. I want her to live a long happy life free from cancer and other diseases. A great way to have some natural health insurance for Skye is to feed her healthy wonderful foods without dangerous chemicals in them. I know this in no way guarantees that Skye won't get sick or have health problems as an adult, but it sure helps a ton! Skye gets about 50% organic right now. I know that is not the best, but it's what we can do for her. I'm doing my best to feed her a ton of fresh fruits and veggies and most those are organic when i can find them. Organic bananas are easy to find, but it's harder to find peaches and apples. The farmers market helps a bit with that. I'm also thinking that when I get pregnant I will try to eat as much organic as possible. I want our new baby to get the best possible start, and that starts in the womb.

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